Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Favorite Things

Person: Mommy

Place to Play: Downstairs or Outside

Paymate: Teddy, Mommy, Clenisha, her cousin JD
Arya and her cousins in Gramma and Grampa's motorhome.
Toy: Puzzles! She is good at doing them too!

Thing to Sleep with: Curious George and "Monkey" (It's a baby in a bear outfit that sucks it's thumb) Sometimes Tigger and Penguin join them.

TV Show: Octonauts! She also enjoys (in random spurts) Daniel Tigers Neighborhood, Clifford's Puppy Stories, Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

Sound: Hearing airplanes flying by. She HATES the sound of thunder.

Food: Grapes, Olives, and a Jelly sandwich is what she asks for everyday for lunch. She also loves waffles, fruit snacks, and pickles. She hates brocolli, green beans, potatoes and rice.

Animal: Dogs

Color: Orange

Thing to listen to: Mr Donut Man tapes

Activity: Jumping. She loves gymnastics because she gets to jump on a trampoline.

Book: Star Wars ABC and Star Wars 123

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