Monday, August 5, 2013

Come on over to Adventureland,,,we're gonna have a fun-ffilled day

In July we went to Adventureland with Gramma Suzanne and Pa (as Arya calls Grampa Brian) just like last year. This time Arya was big enough to ride some of the rides! And she LOVED every single one!

When we walked into the park Arya saw the carousel and ran right to it. When the ride ended, she started to cry! The attendant asked what was wrong and I explained she didn't want to get off. Well, good thing about going on a Monday- there was no line, so he said she could ride again! So we switched horses and this time Mommy rode one too!
 She still cried when we got off. Once she was with Pa she was fine.
While Pa and Mommy rode the Space Shot Arya rode the kid verson- The Frog Hopper.

She liked the Frog Hopper so much that she rode it twice. And she was so good about raising her arms when the guy told them to (like when you're on a roller coaster).

Then she rode little cars. It was cute how serious she was turning the wheel when the ride turned.

This year she rode on the log ride with Pa and Mommy. Mommy got SOAKED. 

Here's Arya at the waterpark portion- Adventure Bay. Again, you don't want the camera around the water so this is the only picture of that. She LOVED her new suit with the monkey on it.
                                                 This year Mommy rode the chuckwagons with her (last year Gramma Suzanne did it).
 Fishing for frogs with Grampa. She won two frogs.

A surprising thing about this trip- Gramma rode some rides!!

Then Arya did more little kid rides.
Again she was very serious about her steering.
The ladybugs was probably her favorite ride. Remember, it was a Monday so there were usually no lines. Arya rode this  ride more than 7 times in a row! She switched to a different car each time.

We made sure and rode the ferris wheel since we failed to do so last year.

Grampa took a turn riding the carousal with Arya before we finished the night with a ride on the train (which mysteriously we have no pictures of).

It was a fun trip. Thanks again Gramma and GramPA!

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