Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Trip to the Zoo, take 2

On Sunday, we made our second zoo trip of the year. Last time, we just did the Africa portion. This time we did the Australia and KidZone portions. Arya REALLY enjoyed this trip!
 Our good friends, Casey and Alyssa joined us along with their son, Jacob.

Look, Daddy! Kangaroos!!

Arya LOVED the petting zoo portions of the park.

Daddy loves the blue frogs. He said he wanted one for a pet, which I find humorous because one of the conservation signs said "Do not have frogs as pets."

Alyssa, Arya, and Mommy looking at the Tiger.

Looking at the meerkats with Mommy.

Jacob looking at the lemars.

"A snake is eating my baby!!"
You may remember that last time Arya was afraid of the carousel. Well not this time! She really liked it, smiling and laughing the whole time.


  1. I loveloveLOVE these pictures of her! She looks so dang cute, and so grown up. Can't wait to see you guys!

  2. So fun!! I'm excited to take Adelyn to the zoo this summer too.

    Is this the KC zoo? We've talked about checking that one out :)

  3. Yes, it is the KC Zoo. We really like it, but it takes more than one day to see it all.
