Friday, October 7, 2011

Big Week!

This was a big week for Arya!

First of all, she is 9 months old today! She has been on this earth longer than she was in the womb! WOW, time really does fly! She is 3 quarters of the way to a year!

Second, on Tuesday I felt in her mouth and could feel her tooth starting to cut through! Wednesday you could really feel it! We also think her second one might be about to come in. You can see the white but can't feel it yet. She has been pretty happy most of the day but her teeth really bother her at night. She will be crying and when we check on her she is pulling on her cheek.

And finally, yesterday Arya used the side of the couch to pull herself up! I was pretty excited! She even took three steps to the side. Then she fell down on her tush and started playing as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. Silly girl! When Daddy got home and was sitting on the couch she tried to use his pant leg to pull up on.
Here are two pictures after she pulled herself up:
In this first one she looks so proud of herself.

 And here is a picture of her from Sunday:

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