Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Baking Apprentice

I enjoy baking. My specialty is peanut butter cookies. Today Arya was my apprentice.

                                                    Washing her hands before we begin.

Checking the recipe/
Putting in the peanut butter/

 Adding the egg.
 All ready to roll, sugar, and press. Arya tried to do the criss-cross with the fork. She was a little forceful, which caused the cookies to fall apart and that upset her. Then she kept asking for me to "help, pease!"
 Whenever she helps in the kitchen, she loves to watch the items bake in the oven.
Enjoying the fruits (or cookies) of her labor.

This was a great "making memories" activity!

Anyone want to join us for milk and cookies??

Friday, July 5, 2013

All American Cutie

I love the 4th of July. My love for it was part of the reason Bradley and I got married when we did (July 2.) We celebrated our 8th anniversary on Tuesday.
For the fourth we hung out at home during the day. Daddy and Arya had a water fight with the hose while Mommy slept in. Lucky me! In the evening we went over to some friends' house for a cookout and fireworks. Arya had fun playing two other little girls that were there. One was only 11 days younger than Arya! All three of them were scared of the loud fireworks so we stayed inside while Daddy played with fire along with the other guys outside.
Here is Arya's festive outfit, notice in some of these she is posing like a little model.